Nov 19, 2018

Whoever You Are

Title: Whoever You Are
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Mem Fox
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5 to 7-year-olds

Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would use this in any lower elementary leveled classrooms because of the overall message of the story. This book would benefit all students especially those in diverse areas. I think this book could be connected to a cultural project where students would learn about their similarities with classrooms despite differences in background.

Summary: In this short book, the author begins by addressing the reader directly. The author explains to the reader that no matter who they are or where they are, there are other people like them all over the world. The book continues by discussing how those people can have many differences from them such as; skin, homes, schools, lands, lives, and languages. The book then switches to show all the similarities there are such as hurt, smiling, and their hearts. The book ends telling the reader to remember the similarities all over the world.

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