Title: Bugs A to Z
Genre: Non-Fiction
Author: Terri DeGezelle
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 9-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, this book could be used in classrooms ranging from first to third grade for a variety of reasons. This book could be used to learn the alphabet, about bugs, or a combination of both. The book offers other resource and activities that could be incorporated into the classroom as well. This book could also simply just be available to students who enjoy learning or reading about bugs.
Summary: This book is a book about types of bugs using each letter of the alphabet (a through Z). For each letter of the alphabet, the book gives an example of a bug that begins with that letter, a picture of the bug, and a brief description of the bug. The book begins with the letter "A", this page is about ants and aphids. The book describes ants and aphids as farmers and cows because of the relationship the two bugs share. The book continues all the way through to the letter "Z" which is for zebra spider. The book gives a description of how the zebra spider captures its prey. After the content of the book ends, the author includes possible projects, other resources, and a glossary of the bugs in the book with a few more facts.
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