Title: Chicken Sunday
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Patricia Polacco
Awards: Golden Kite Award for Picture Book Text
Age Group: 6 to 8-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher I would love to use this book as a read aloud. I believe students enjoy this story, more specifically second grade students because they are around the age of the characters in the book. Although the author is speaking on her childhood memories, it is not nostalgic it is relatable. The illustrations are also very beautiful and fitting to the story.
Summary: This story is a memory from the author, Patricia Polacco's childhood. The beginning of the book introduces the three main characters of the story besides Patricia. The three main characters are Patricia's neighbors, two young boys around her age and their grandma. After Patricia's grandma died, the boy's grandma, miss Eula took Patricia in as her granddaughter. Patricia would go to church with Miss Eula and the two boys on Sunday. After church Miss Eula would always stop to admire hats through Mr. Kodinski's hat shop window, sigh and walk on. The four of them called those Sundays, "Chicken Sundays" because Miss Eula would make fried chicken. At the table Miss Eula said the Easter hat they saw was the most beautiful hat she's ever seen. The three children then all exchange looks of agreement to get the hat for Miss Eula. The children come up with a plan to ask Mr. Kodinski to work to buy the hat Miss Eula. The kids plan goes wrong when Mr. Kodinski believes the children threw eggs at his shop. Patricia comes up with a plan to show Mr. Kodinski they didn't throw eggs at his shop. The book ends with Mr. Kodinski they didn't throw eggs at his shop. The book ends with the children working in the shop and Mr. Kodinski gifting the hat to the children for Miss Eula.
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