Title: A String of Beads
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Margarette S. Reid
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 7 to 9-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would keep this book in my second classroom library. I think this book would be better utilized and enjoyed by students who read it independently. This book offers students the enjoyment of reading as well as knowledge of beads and different cultures outtake on beads.
Summary: This book begins with a little girl saying that she and her grandma are bead collectors and make great necklaces together. The little girl is the narrator of the story and she continues on by saying how they collect and categorize beads. The two categorize beads first by color, then shape and size. The book gives details about the types of beads and their names. The girl's grandma describes how Native Americans used certain colored-beads to weave pictures for celebrations. They then talk about where they believe the beads came from because there are many way beads can be formed or made. The girl tells the grandma a hypothetical story of how beads were first invented a long time ago. The grandma likes the story the girl made up and discusses how beads were once used to trade, seal treaties, pledge peace, protect from evil, used in prayer, or for an appearance in a variety of cultures. The book ends with the little girl describing making a beaded necklace, how she helps other created beaded objects, and how beaded objects are loved by everyone.
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