Title: The Water Cycle
Genre: Non-Fiction
Author: Craig Hammersmith
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 8-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: I would use this book in a first-grade science class to connect learning about the water cycle to a book. This book has pictures and graphs depicting the water cycle which I think is great for visual learners. The book also includes a possible science activity for the class to do together.
Summary: This book discusses the water cycle using text, pictures, and graphs. The book begins by describing how the water on Earth gets recycled through the water cycle. The first step of the water cycle is evaporation, the happens when water changes into water vapor and rises into the air. The next part of the book is about how clouds are formed, types of clouds, and the process of condensation. The third part of the water cycle talks about how water comes down from the clouds during the process of precipitation. There are many forms of precipitation represented in the book such as rain, hail, snow, and sleet. The book ends with describing that following precipitation the water cycle will begin again.
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