Title: Rainbow Fish
Genre: Audiobook
Author: Marcus Pfister
Awards: The Christopher Award
American Bookseller Association ABBY
Age Group: 5 to 8-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: I would use this in a first or second-grade classroom as a read aloud. I think that while this book would be highly enjoyable for children in this age range, it also offers important lessons. The book deals with messages about friendship and sharing which are important concepts during these stages in life. In the classroom I would use this as a writing stem, asking my students to write about when they've shared or given a toy or something else to someone else.
Summary: Rainbow Fish is a short book about s fish with beautiful rainbow scales. All the other fish admire Rainbow Fish's scales because of how beautiful and reflective they are. The fish ask Rainbow Fish to play with them but he would just swim past them full of pride. One day a little blue fish asked Rainbow Fish for one of his scales but Rainbow Fish was mean and told him to get away from him. After being mean to the little blue fish, the other fish stopped talking to Rainbow Fish. Rainbow Fish became sad because no one was admiring his scales anymore. A starfish tells Rainbow Fish to go talk to a wise octopus to get help on why no one like him. The octopus tells Rainbow Fish when he arrives at his cave to start sharing his scaled and he will learn to be happy, not beautiful. Rainbow Fish couldn't wrap his head around sharing his scales with other fish, but when the little blue fish asks him for a scale again he decides to share one. Sharing a scale with the little blue fish made the little blue fish so happy and grateful, soon the other fish were asking for scales. The story ends with every fish having one rainbow scale and Rainbow Fish feeling happy and having a sense of belonging with the other fish.
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