Title: Let's Go Rock Collecting
Genre: Non-Fiction
Author: Roma Gans
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 8-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: I would use this book in a first to a second-grade classroom to teach about rocks. This book is great for a cross-curriculum activity because although it is a book about collecting rocks it has a lot of information on the types of rocks. This book would also be great to recommend to students interested in rocks.
Summary: This short book is about collecting rocks. The book begins by describing various things people can collect. Rocks are one of the oldest items people can collect because they last a long time. Rocks can be found in many places around the Earth. The book continues by describing the three types of rocks; igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The books give examples of the rocks, how they're formed, where they're found, and the uses for some. The book ends by summarizing that if you begin collecting rocks you'll learn more about the varieties of rocks there are and where to find them.
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