Title: Island Born
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Junot Diaz
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 8-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would use this book in a first to a second-grade classroom. I think it would be wonderful to read this book to the class and have them complete a similar assignment as the class in the book. After reading the book, I would want my students to draw a picture of something that represents their family's culture and then write a few sentences describing the picture. I think it is highly beneficial for students to learn about their peers and cultures different from their own.
Summary: THis is a story about a young girl Lola and an assignment she was given at school. At Lola's school, her classmates are from all over the place. Mrs. Obi gives the class an assignment to draw a picture of their first country and bring it to class the next day. Everyone in Lola's class is excited except for Lola because she left her first country when she was a baby so she doesn't remember anything. The story continues with Lola going around her neighborhood, asking people what they remember about the "Island", which is how Lola refers to her first country. As Lola talks to people about the island she takes her journal with her to record what they tell her. When Lola goes home her grandma and mother tell her to go talk to Mr. Mir who works and lives in their building about the island. Mr. Mir knows the most about the island according to Lola's mom and grandma, so Lola goes to Mr. Mir's home to talk to him. Mr. Mir's memory of the island is different from the others, he talks about a monster the people of the island had to face. When Lola leaves Mr. Mir's home, Lola realizes she didn't record anything the whole time Mr. Mir was talking, she just listened. The story ends after a long night of Lola drawing her first country when she shows her class her drawing, she represented everyone's memory of the island including Mr. Mir's.
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