Title: Little Mama Forgets
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Robin Cruise
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 7-year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I think this book would best fit a dual-language second-grade classroom. Although most of the book is in English there are some Spanish words and phrases (glossary for there words/phrases are in the front). I think by including this book in class through a read aloud it would expose students to a culture perhaps similar or different from their own.
Summary: This story begins with a young girl describing how her grandma, Little Mama, sometimes forgets to wake up with the Sun. When Little Mama forgets to wake up the young girl tickles her awake. And even after she wakes up and forgets to call the young girl Lucy instead of Luciana, she doesn't forget to tickle Lucy back. The story continues with Lucy describing the many things Little Mama forgets but also the many things she remembers. Little Mama always seems to remember things that are related to her family or culture. Little Mama forgets things like remembering she put the toast in the toaster and not to pinch and smell the fruit at the store. But despite the things she forgets, Little Mama remembers things like to buy Lucy and her brother chili dogs and how Lucy likes her rice pudding. The book ends with Little Mama remembering to sing Lucy a song when tucking her into bed.
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