Title: Last Stop on Market Street
Genre: Multicultural
Author: Matt De La Pena
Awards: Newbery (2016)
Caldecott (2016)
Age Group: 6 to 7 year-olds
Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would use this book as a read aloud in a first-grade classroom. The concept of perspectives in the book is beautifully written to children of this age group. The main character's actions and speech are also very authentic to children of similar age. I overall believe because of the writing, authenticity, and illustrations students within this age group would enjoy reading this book as a class.
Summary: This book is about a young boy named CJ and his grandma. The book begins with CJ and his grandma leaving a church, the two go to the bus stop to wait for their bus. CJ watches as friends get into cars and ask his grandma why they do not have a car. CJ's grandma asks why they need a car if they have their bus and their bus driver. When CJ and his grandma get on the bus they sit in the front and his grandma greets everyone also making sure that CJ does the same. Throughout the bus ride, CJ continues to ask about things like why some people can't see, why he can't have a music player, and why they must always go to the soup kitchen. CJ's grandma always answers his questions with a new perspective on the subject of the question. Once they reach their stop near the end of the book CJ asks why is it always dirty, to which his grandma answers to look at the sky. In the sky was a beautiful rainbow shining over the soup kitchen. CJ never understood how his grandma could always see the beautiful things he never noticed. The book ends with CJ seeing the familiar faces of the people at the soup kitchen and telling his grandma he's glad they came.
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