Oct 21, 2018

Tight Times

Title: Tight Times
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Author: Barbara Shook Hazen
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5 to 8-year-olds

Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would use this book in a guided reading activity for Kindergarten. This book has various components and events for pausing and reflecting with students. It is a great book to check comprehension of the story by stopping and asking the students what is happening in the story. I also think it is a great story about how even in tough times there's always a sort of light that can bring happiness and good times back.

Summary: This is a short story about a family going through financial troubles. The story is told through the perspective of the child in the family. At the beginning of the story, the reader learns that all the child wants is a dog. His father had promised he could get a dog when he is bigger, which he is now. The child's father explains that the family is going through tight times which means they can't get a dog right now. The story continues with the father explaining to the child, using examples of his everyday life, what tight times mean. Towards the end of the story, the father comes home upset because he lost his job. When the mother gets home, she asks the narrator to step outside. While the narrator is sitting outside he finds a kitten, He goes inside to get the kitten milk but make noise and his parents come out to see what happened. His parents see the kitten in his hands and he explains to them how he found the kitten. The parents then start to cry and hug the child and kitten, telling the boy he can keep the kitten but no more asking about a dog. The story ends with the boy naming the kitten "dog" and hoping she likes to eat a "tight times" food which is lima beans.

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