Oct 2, 2018

The Little Ant

Title: The Little Ant
Genre: Traditional Literature
Author: Shirleyann Costigan
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5 to 7-year olds

Teacher Evaluation: I would use this folktale from New Mexico in class because there is a chance I could be teaching in a dual-language class. There are not many Spanish words used in the story besides one, but it could help build on vocabulary for dual language students. The beginning of the book also shows students how these stories were originally passed on orally by generations.

Summary: The story of the little ant is about a small ant that gets stuck far from home due to a small rain shower. The ant tries to get the sun to come up to dry the rain, but the sun cannot because the cloud is blocking the sun. The little ant tries to get the cloud to move but the cloud explains it needs the wind to push it out the way. The wind doesn't want to help the little ant, so she comes up with a clever plan to get the wind to help. The little ant sings a lullaby to put the wind to sleep then tickles its nose with a feather. The wind sneezes pushing the cloud out the way of the sun and the little ant can finally get back home.

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