Oct 11, 2018


Title: 2095
Genre: Science Fiction
Author: Jon Scieszka
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 8 to 11-year-olds

Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I don't think I would incorporate this book into the classroom through a lesson. Although, I think I would definitely have this book in the classroom library for third to fifth-grade students to chose to read on their own. This book is part of a collection, The Time Warp Trio by Jon Scieszka and although the book was easy to understand without the other books from the collection I think students would enjoy this book more if they read independently.

Summary: This book is from a collection known as The Time Warp Trio. It's a story about 3 best friends in the year 1995 that travel 100 years into the future. The book details of how the trio uses a book to time travel. While on a field trip to a history museum, the boys get bored and end up using the book to travel into the future. While in the future the boys are chased by the new museum director. The boys try to escape the museum director, and eventually, do escape her with the help of their great-granddaughters. The granddaughters tell them how they knew where they were going to be because of a note they wrote on their museum assignment from 1995. The story continues with the three boys trying to find a way home. Ultimately, the only way to get home is for the three boys to find their time-traveling book. Their great-granddaughters help the boys find the book in the museum where they use it to travel back to 1995. The boys' journey ends when their teacher yells at them to get out of an exhibit, resulting in them getting an extra museum assignment. The boys then remember to write the note to their future great-granddaughters.

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