Oct 21, 2018

Big Sister and Little Sister

Title: Big Sister and Little Sister
Genre: Realistic Fictions
Author: Charlotte Zolotow
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5 to 8-years-old

Teacher Evaluation: I think this would be a great read-aloud book. Students in a Kindergarten to First-grade classroom could find this book relatable and easy to follow. If I wanted to extend on this story I could have my students make a picture story about their family or a specific family member. The drawing could be the way they take care of the person or how the person cares for them. Then the students would write a small story under, which I would help them with after they share with the class.

Summary: This is a short story about two sisters. The big sister cares for the younger sister in many ways. The story shows the various ways that the older sister cares for the younger one. She makes sure the younger sister stays on the sidewalk, holds her hand when they cross the street, teachers her the right way to do things, and comforts her when she cries. One day, the younger sister realizes all the big sister does for her and doesn't want her to always tell her what to do anymore. The little sister sneaks out to find a quiet place, with no one telling her what to do. The story ends with the older sister crying near the younger one in a tall field so the older sister can't see the younger one. She's crying because she can't find the little sister and the little sister comes out and comforts her. The little sister and big sister realize that both of them can help each other. The story ends with the girls walking back home with the realization that the big sister isn't the only one who can take care of the other.

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