Oct 9, 2018

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Title: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Genre: Traditional Literature
Author: Janet Stevens
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 4 to 6-years-old

Teacher Evaluation: As a teacher, I would use this book in a kindergarten or first-grade classroom. I think children would benefit from hearing this book as a read aloud due to the use of sizes and opposites throughout the text. I also believe that children could possibly get the message of wandering off alone and the dangers of doing so. Students could also do an activity using their family or favorite animals to tell the story using various opposites and sizes.

Summary: The story begins by introducing the reader to a family of 3 bears. Papa, Mama, and Baby Bear all are three different sizes. Papa Bear is the biggest, Mama Bear is the middle, and Baby Bear is the smallest bear. Due to their size, they all have different sized things. Each bear has their own size bowl, chair, and bed. One day, the bears couldn't eat their breakfast right away because it was too hot so they decided to take a walk in the forest until it cooled down. While the bears were out, a girl named Goldilocks came across their cottage and smelled their breakfast. Goldilocks didn't see anyone in the cottage so she decided to go inside. Goldilocks made her way through each of the bear's breakfast until she found the one that was just right for her. After she finished eating she decides to go sit down for a bit, so again she tries each chair until she finds the one that is just right. Goldilocks begins rocking back and forth in the chair, then it breaks. Feeling sore, Goldilocks goes upstairs and tries each bed until she finds the right one to fall asleep in. The three bears return to their cottage to notice someone has been eating their breakfast, sitting in their chairs - Baby Bears chair was broken, and that someone was sleeping in their beds. Baby Bear then realizes that someone is still sleeping in his bed, Goldilocks. Goldilocks wakes up to the three bears standing over her then she jumps up and runs away, saying she will never wander the woods alone again.

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