Oct 4, 2018

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

Title: Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Genre: Poetry
Author: Robert Frost
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6 to 9-years old

Teacher Evaluation: I would use this in a second-grade classroom. I think the language and illustrations would be great for this grade level. The book will also help students with recognizing different rhyme schemes.

Summary: The poem is about a man who stops to watch the snow fill up the woods. The poem gives a description of the snowy woods. How deep, dark, and peaceful the woods are. The pictures are excellent illustrations of how the snow changed the woods. It describes how the man's horse thinks the man has made a mistake because they stopped in the middle of nowhere, far from everything.  The poem ends with the man talking about keeping promises he made and how he has to ride for miles before he gets to sleep.

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