Sep 27, 2018

The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

Title: The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Jon Scieszka
Awards: 1991 Black-Eyed Susan Book Award (Maryland)
              1991 Flicker Tale Children's Book Award (North Dakota)
Age Group: 5-8 years old

Teacher Evaluation: I would use this book in my classroom as a teacher to go over perspectives and different sides of stories. I think this book would benefit students in 1st through 2nd grade. It would help students make connections between stories such as this book and the original tale of the 3 Little Pigs as well as critical think of multiple perspectives with assistance. As a teacher, I would incorporate this into my classroom through a read-aloud and extend on it by relating it to the original story which I would read before this book in class.

Summary: This story is told from the perspective of the "Big Bad Wolf" from the original 3 Little Pigs tale. At the beginning of the book, the reader learns that the wolf, also known as Al, didn't have his story properly told. The book continues on telling the story of the 3 Little Pigs but from the perspective of Al. Al explains that the whole story was a big misunderstanding. Al was baking a cake for his grandma when he ran out of sugar so he went to ask around for sugar. While out on his hunt for sugar Al came across the 3 Little Pigs' homes where he figured he would ask them for some sugar. Al was also suffering from a cold at this time. The first 2 pigs were not very bright in the way that they made their houses so when Al was at their house asking for sugar and sneezed - the houses crumbled down. When the houses fell, the pig in the house was lying there dead. As Al puts it in the book it would be a waste of food to him if he didn't eat them. When the wolf got to the 3rd pig's house, his sneezed didn't knock it down but the pig was very mean to him. The 3rd pig was so mean to Al that he began banging on his door, so when the cops arrived they didn't take Al's side into consideration. The story ends with Al in jail still, claiming he was framed.

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